The Society for Magnetic Resonance Angiography (SMRA) was founded in 1989 as the MR Angio Club to bring together scientists, clinicians and industry with a common interest in MR Angiography (MRA). The MR Angio Club formally Incorporated as the nonprofit Society for Magnetic Resonance Angiography (SMRA) in 2015. The society’s annual conference is widely recognized as the sole international conference exclusively devoted to MR angiography. Each year, prominent researchers and clinicians come from all over the world to attend this event and present their most up to date research results and exchange ideas. MR-related vendors also showcase their state-of-the-art products, technical advances, and clinical applications in an engaging environment intended to foster new connections and collaborations.
Board of Directors

Jeremy Collins

Aleksandra Radjenovic
President Elect

Oliver Wieben
Past President

Xihai Zhao
Past-Past President

Susanne Schnell

Anthony Christodoulou

Monica Sigovan

Hideki Ota

Claudia Prieto Vasquez
Early Career Committee Directors

Calder Sheagren

Yin Guo
Education Committee Director

Mahmud Mossa-Basha
Communication Committee Director

Aleksandra Radjenovic
Conference Managers:
Janette Wallace, Johanne Langford, Anna Van Vliet and Jessica Guillemette.
Past Presidents:
Chun Yuan, Giles Roditi, Michael Markl, Richard Frayne, James Carr, Charles Dumoulin, Jeffrey Maki, Matthias Stuber, Tim Leiner, Winfried A. Willinek, Graham A. Wright, Martin R. Prince, J. Kevin DeMarco, Stephen J. Riederer, Debiao Li, Brian K. Rutt, James F. M. Meaney, David A. Saloner, Frank R. Korosec, E. Kent Yucel, Philippe C. Douek, John Huston III, Jorg F. Debatin, Dennis L. Parker, Paolo Pavone, James E. Siebert, Georg M. Bongartz, E. James Potchen
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