36th Annual International Meeting

November 12-15, 2024
Santiago, Chile
“The ever changing landscape of MRA”

SMRA 2024 Program

SMRA 2024 will seek to explore “the ever changing landscape of MRA.” Below, you’ll find our program at a glance as well as the detailed program.

Note: We look forward to offering an engaging program at SMRA 2024. Speakers and talks are subject to change, but we will update in as timely a manner as possible.


Program at a Glance:


Tuesday, Nov 12 Wednesday, Nov 13 Thursday, Nov 14 Friday, Nov 15
8:00- 9:00 Registration *8:30 start on Thursday only
9:00-10:30 Opening Plenary: Opportunities, Challenges and Threats of MRA in the Clinic Plenary 2 & Martin Prince Lecture: Towards More Accessible and Affordable MRA and CMR *Plenary 3: ECC – Early Career Committee Session Plenary 5: Interventional MRI: Value, Promises and Future Prospects
10:30-10:50 Coffee Break Coffee Break *Coffee Break Coffee Break
10:50-12:35 Head and Neck MRA Coronary MRA & Plaque Imaging *New Technologies and AI in MRA Closing Plenary and Sadamoto Lecture: New Horizons and the Future of MRA and CMR
12:35-14:00 Lunch Lunch *Lunch Optional: Winery visit, lunch, and tour Viña Casas del Bosque
14:00-15:45 Cardiac and Quantitative MRI Flow, Modeling, and Processing *Plenary 4: The Potential and Current Role of AI in MRA and CMR, AI challenge
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break Coffee Break *Coffee Break
16:15-18:00 Advances in Vessel Wall Imaging Abdominal, Thoracic, and Peripheral *Non-Enhanced MRA
Evening Events Welcome Reception – Club Manquehue Conference Dinner – Hotel Doubletree Vitacura Dinner at Winery – Viña Santa Rita
*shift back all times by 30 minutes on Thursday only. i.e. 8:30-10:00, 10:00-10:20, 10:20-12:05, etc.